Company Wide Cyber Culture


The steaks have never been higher for healthcare organizations and their sensitive data. Today's environment demands the upmost security for all Protected Health Information. Keep your data secure by implementing ProPoint's multiple layers of security.

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The steaks have never been higher for healthcare organizations and their sensitive data. Today's environment demands the upmost security for all Protected Health Information. Keep your data secure by implementing ProPoint's multiple layers of security.

  1. Establish a secure culture with ProPoint's ProAct
    1. ProPoint's ProAct is an education and training program that supplies managers and employees the skills to set good security minded examples and build a good Cyber culture with healthy security habits and practices.
  2. Our Comprehensive Security Risk Assessment includes all the necessities for HIPAA compliance as well as establishing needed or missing layers of security.
    1. Develop, document and enforce HIPAA policies and procedures that give control and limit the physical access to devices that hold sensitive data and can become stolen, tampered with or lost.
    2. Limit the access to your network and prohibit staff from installing software without approval to limit outside threats, or breaks in your security.
    3. Teach proper storage of important data, making sure employees save information to your secure server, and make sure local machines (e.g., email, text messages and devices) are encrypted.
    4. Implement a firewall with IPS and malware filtering to deploy multi-layered security to the door to your network
  3. Guard the door to your network by maintaining anti-virus software
    1. Applications/services (e.g., anti-malware and anti-virus programs) should be set up to report or even stop the download of rogue/unapproved software.
  4. Maintain the good habits you have implemented with ProAct into the foreseeable future with a Managed Service Agreement
    1. Monitor for critical and urgent patches and updates that require immediate attention
    2. Disable user accounts for former employees quickly and appropriately.
    3. Archive old data files for storage.
    4. Prior to disposal, "sanitize" computers and any other devices that have had data stored on them.
  5. Prepare for the unexpected. In the event of an unfortunate physical or electronic disaster ProPoint Assured Backup protects mission-critical work environments, saving end-user work, and reducing downtime.
    1. Implement our reliable Disaster Level Backup
    2. Develop a Contingency Plan

The Hidden Threat

Keeping your company secure requires a balance between knowledgeable IT and a good company wide cyber culture. Make sure the people you count on the most, your employees, aren't setting you up for failure. ProPoint is here to help you establish both. Contact the experts today.

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Don't Open the Door to Disaster

ProPoint can help keep your business secure. Learn more below.

Know where your company stands and what needs to be done to legally manage your risk. Learn more about our Security Risk Assessment.
Keep your staff up to date with the best tools and habits to maintain internal security. Learn how we can help you build a company wide cyber culture.
Have a contengency plan in place. Learn more about disaster recovery here.